As years go by written word seems to have lost its presence in everyday life. Many people watch movies or read newspapers, magazines, and books on electronic devices. However for some like myself the written word continues to have relevance in everyday life. Reading novels, texts, magazines, and newspapers expands your knowledge, vocabulary and imagination. Many people discuss the books always being far better than movies. Reading literature instead of watching or listening can allow people to understand in better detail, all the book has to offer such as sensory details that movies miss.

Older generations help keep the written text alive and well. In a short article by Karen Swallow she explained that,  “reading is one of the few distinctly human activities that set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom”(Prior), simply because reading is not natural or instinctive, you must learn to read write and comprehend literature and text. Reading is important in everyday society to advance your knowledge and vocabulary “To read means not only to decipher a given and learned set of symbols in a mechanistic way, but it also suggests that very human act of finding meaning”(prior), these things culminate to show how each and everyone who reads literature has a very special part of themselves  that separates humankind from other animals.

This proves how the written word has changed society, as older generations pass newer generations are shifting society, from reading towards new ideas like videos, movies, and speech. In a short passage by Cassie Werber she explains that “stats showed the written word becoming all but obsolete, replaced by moving images and speech”(weber), this is a sad but true statistic showing  how little the younger generations of the world read. She goes on to say how “ the best way to to tell stories in this world , were so much information is coming at us, actually is video”, while it may contain the main ideas of a text or story helping to digest material quicker in one little blip of video it leaves small details needed to tell the whole story and provide context to some of the ideas in videos(weber) . In one circumstance you have people reading and understanding small details and the other shows how video and moving text are statistically pushing written word out of the picture.

When you read stories, novels, and literature you amplify your creativity, it can help you empathize, find yourself, and learn how to approach new obstacles. As I have read new novels and texts, I have broadened my vocabulary and have found new ways to formulate sentences with stronger and more professional usage of words. My stand in this specific conversation is that written text is extremely important and society should try to keeps its relevance high in schools, the workplace, and in everyday life. By doing so we can pay close attention to detail and  broaden our vocabulary as well as our minds to new ideas. Written text is a necessary part of our lives which helps to lead us in a higher intellect than other animals.