Learning outcome two  relates the combination of your ideas and opinions to other outside sources,  In my second paper prompt I used many sources to provide the proper evidence as too why arts and medicine needed to be used together. the link to my second paper prompt final draft is here:final draft for paper 2. throughout this paper I used my own ideas along with different sources to provided context as to why art was needed in medicine. an example of this is below:

Science needs a new method to better understand the importance of some theories and hypotheses. In order to better understand the culmination of art and medical science we look further into John Lehrer’s “The Future of Science… Is Art?”, the main goal of his ideas is to show how neuroscience and physics can be exemplified by arts. He explains that “what neuroscience needs is a new method , one that’s able to construct complex representation of the mind that aren’t built from the bottom up.”, Art can help neuroscience mostly finalize the practical understanding of theories about consciousness and the mind . this is just one example of how arts can help the medical field advance there knowledge of neuroscience.  I use quotes from Lehrer that provide context to my own opinion. Throughout most o my other other English classes I was told to only use the opinions of my sources and not my own voice. now that I have a voice I can make my papers much stronger. this learning outcome provided me with information as to how I can use other peoples and sources opinions with my own to make my argument stronger.