Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievment

Blog 15

In “Beauty is simpler, and  less special, then we realize” from New York university explains how over time scientists, psychologists, and philosophers have come to a conclusion that over time beauty has become simpler than many think. I will use this article as a naysayer in my paper because it shows the other side of what beauty means to people. for example it provides a new view other than mine that beauty is less important and less special than so many people think.  in one instance the article explains that  “researchers anticipate that a clearer understanding of beauty could change the way we understand decision making”, this is a complex concept that shows how beauty changes our perspective on people and how we do every day tasks.

New York University. “Beauty is simpler, and less special, than we realize: New analysis of long-studied feeling.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 20 August 2018. <>.


Ryan Sheahan

Tehya Casey

In my podcast I interviewed someone with a totally different background which game me insight to places other than the United States specifically the Dominican Republic. My interviewee told me about his child hood and working together as a community which brought him happiness and gave him a sense of purpose. He described the way the village worked together, as beauty.  my learned experience from Jose gave me a sense of  inspiration to live everyday as my best life because a lot of people don’t have the technology that I have. It showed me to appreciate life more.

in Tehya’s podcast I learned about a family members experience with beaches in Maine and Florida, and how the commercialized beaches were nothing like the rough, rocky, and unkempt  beaches of Maine. the beaches in Florida she explained were nothing like the beaches in Maine. the trash, tourists, commercialization, and advertisement of the beaches made her hate Florida and the beaches. her views of the Maine coast made her forget everything and leave her stress behind. she related beauty to the rustic coast which made me realize that everyone has a totally different view of art.  it inspired me to be more grateful for where I am and where I go to school.


  1. tcasey

    I really love the fact that you’re using your article as a naysayer, that will give you a ton of credibility and I’m interested to hear that point of view. Also using your podcast is a great idea for trying to get across that beauty is more complex than what people normally think, because that podcast beautifully sums it up. This really all sounds like a great choice, I cant wait to see how this all comes together in your essay!

  2. ireis

    I like the idea of using the article you chose as a naysayer! It definitely adds a new element to your paper. I think it is crucial to get a different cultural opinion on beauty and really beneficial in building your overall argument. I believe the podcasts you chose fit well with the direction you are headed in and am excited to see your free write!

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